

European Project for HPC Environmental Modelling

The environmental models are an important and necessary element to evaluate, already during the planning phase, the impact of new sites, factories layout, public infrastructure, integrated systems. They are of paramount importance if we also consider the main European norms i.e. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2001/42/EC) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) Directive (85/337/EEC) and can represent an alert or warning tool in case of critical environmental issues. The algorithms behind the models are well known (mostly are results of academia research projects) but their also-well-known limits are the performance rate (i.e. time, cost) and friendliness. The elaboration time is generally very long thus limiting the possibility of forecasts based on multiple scenario. Running the models on CLOUD , and through HPC facilities, might generate, one shot, multiple scenarios according the needs identified by the operators (private stakeholder) or constraints set by the competent authority (public stakeholder). Many different models (tools) are available on the market but their integration has not been tried yet.

The main aim of the CLEEN experiment is to set and test an innovative service for SMEs, public sector (i.e. environmental agencies) and private stakeholders (i.e. consultancy companies, research centres, engineering facilities) through a single access-point/platform. The service will give the opportunity to the end users to launch and evaluate predictive models through a CLOUD based service and to jointly verify, for instance, the reduction of risk to human health and the environment.

The case illustrated is entirely fictional and does not represent a real situation.

CLEEN AIR allows fallout emission computation and, in addiction, allows user to compute the risk from carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic substances at the ground level. It generates several geo.tiff images for each analyzed substance that can easily be viewed on Google Earth. CLEEN AIR uses AERMOD [US-EPA] in a HPC environment provided by CINECA.

CLEEN RISK allows user to evaluate the remediation volume of a contaminated soil starting directly from environmental characterization data. User can upload a simple table with the results of environmental investigation, CLEEN RISK is able to calculate exceedances of regulatory limits, perform a risk analysis specific site and view the areas concerned exceedances of SSTL [CSR].All this completely automatically, for each pollutant and for meter of depth, producing an appropriate thematic map with evidence of the SSTL overruns [CSR] for each one.

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CLEEN - Cloud-based environmental modelling

CINECA - Fortissimo Partner


T2i - trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione